
Women’s Tracht

•A Gray Skirt with 3 Rows of Gathering at the waist and one row of black ribbon 15-16 cm above the bottom hem

•A White Trachten Blouse

•A Black Velvet Mieder and silver Mieder chain

•A Green Apron

•A Single Red Carnation with green fern

•Black Allgäuer Trachten Shoes worn with white hose

•Hair is always worn up and off the neck

Men’s Tracht

Lederhosen, auf Englisch: Leather Pants, Black Lederhosen with green embroidery

•Trachten Shirt, the sleeves are rolled up and no tie is worn

•Hosenträger, distinctive to the area are the green suspenders with Large White Edelweiss

•Allgäuer Hat with Gamsbart(the large brush-like ornament worn on the right side of hat)

•Knee Socks, gray with double green stripe

•Trachten Black Allgäuer Trachten Shoes

•For Fest Occasions, a single flower in hat to match the woman and the Allgäuer Trachten jacket may also be worn