About Us
History and Pride in Performance
Our club is a Member Verein of the Gauverband Nordamerika, an umbrella organization comprised of over 80 Schuhplattler Vereine in the United States and Canada. In order to be a member of the "Gau", the Verein must determine which region of Bavaria it will represent. The Gauverband Nordamerika Inc. is an organization founded in 1965 to promote Bavarian and Tyrolean folk dancing, costumes, customs, and culture and establish mutual fellowship. Our Verein was established in 1979.
We proudly wear period costumes from the Allgäu Region and the city of Fischen in southwestern Bavaria. Only three clubs in the Gauverband Nordamerika represent the Allgäu region, the Texanischer Schuhplattler Verein, the Schuhplattler Verein Heidengold from Rochester, New York and the d'Heimatsgruppe Schuhplattler u. Trachten Verein from New Jersey.
We can provide your festival or party with Bavarian Schuhplattlers, Ländlers, and Volktanze, along with recorded German music and the Gemütlichkeit (happiness, camaraderie, warm feelings) that will make your event one to remember!
We promote German culture through dance exhibitions at local events, libraries, and festivals.
We donate performances to local senior citizen centers and nursing homes.
We support and actively participate in German cultural activities throughout Texas, the Southwest, and the U.S.A.
We are available to dance throughout the Southwest. We work to support and maintain our traditional Bavarian costumes and performances.